Mine are a little different...I tried to make them look like actual grilled kebabs!
I took these to my friend Kara's July 4th BBQ and they were a hit! Thanks Nora for the fabulous idea! Everyone was very impressed!

Here are the basics:
Pineapple slices aka Cut-up Lemon Wafer Cookies
Cherry tomatoes aka Red Velvet Cupcakes
Steak pieces aka Cut-up Brownie pieces
The look is completed with skewers aka chocolate pocky sticks which make the whole thing totally edible!!! (I know, I'm obsessed with Pocky lately!)
Detailed How-to:
1. Bake brownies in a 13x9 or similar pan. I used dark chocolate fudge-like brownie mix from Betty Crocker...they turned out great! Let the brownies cool. Cut out squares to mimic steak pieces. I was going to draw lines with frosting to make the "steak" look grilled, but I didn't get around to it.
2. Bake Red Velvet mini-cupcakes in Wilton's Brownie Pop Pan. Only fill a little so it comes out looking round like cherry tomatoes! I haven't solidified a baking time yet...just watch them and check with a toothpick. It took at least 20 minutes. I found the longer I baked them, the easier it was for them to pop out. I only have one pan so I had to keep refilling it while I was doing other things. (By the way, I made some other cupcakes with the mix...I am LOVING the red color! Not jazzed on the flavor, but I just used a mix for these.)

4. You are ready to make the cupcakebabs! Just stick the pieces on the pocky stick! It worked pretty easily for me; I just had to make sure the brownies were cooled off a little so the chocolate cream didn't melt off.
We ran out of kebabs at the BBQ, so I made some more using real skewers...